Custom & Promotional LED & Torch Keyrings

LED key rings and torch key rints, also known as LED keychains or flashlight keychains, are small devices designed to be attached to a keyring or keychain. They typically feature a compact LED (light-emitting diode) light source and a power source, such as a battery.  With Boost you can brand these items with custom logos and slogans today!

LED key rings are popular because they provide a convenient source of light in a compact and portable form. They are commonly used to illuminate keyholes, search for items in dark environments, or provide emergency lighting when needed. The LED lights are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and come in various colors.

LED key rings often have a simple push-button switch to turn the light on and off. Some models may offer additional features, such as different light modes (e.g., steady light, flashing, or strobe) or even include other tools like bottle openers or mini tools.

Our key rings can be found in various shapes, sizes, and designs, ranging from basic and functional to more decorative and novelty options.

Within this range  of tourch and LED key rings, these promo items can be custom branded with your logo pad printed  from the team at Boost.  We offer pad print, engraving or full colour digital prints for all these trendy items.  For more information, please contact our team today.